Tan home in the snow.

Craftsman style home with dog and couple out front in the snow.

Home buyer, Mr. Parker, holding a sold sign in front of his home in the snow.

Lawn and trees with fall colors in front of a home.

Home owners, the Arnolds, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Benders, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Biklians, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Buzga and Kodskos, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Carringtons, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Coulstons, in front of their home.

Home owners, The Craigs, in front of their new home.

Home owners, The Currys, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Davidsons, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Behrens, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Tschidas, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Vichinskys, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Palms, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Walkers, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Flynns, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Franklins, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Frantzes, in front of their home.

Home owner, Mr. Hislop, in front of his home.

Home owners, the Kallenbacks, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Kologis, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Lindauers, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Lymans, in front of their home.

Tan and blue home with a bare tree in the front yard.

Large shop with two oversized garage doors.
Tan home with a river rock bed, grass, and deciduous trees in front.

Front of a cream colored home with front lawn.

Newer tan, two-storied home with porch and lawn.
Front of a well-maintained, white bi-level home with healthy grass.

Tan colored home with snow on the ground.
A yellow, ranch style house with a red fence, and trees in the front yard.
A newer tan home with a well-maintained, pretty yard.

Home owners, the McLeods, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Olsens, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Phelps and Morenos, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Powells, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Roeskes, in front of their home.

Home owners, the Westerbergs, in front of their home.

Home owner, Ms. Yankovich, and her dog in front of her home.

Cream colored home with lawn.

Large lawn and trees surrounding a tan split level home.

Cream colored home with lawn and a tree.

Tan home with blue sky, lawn and snow on the ground.

Modern/craftsman two story home.

White home with river rock detail.